Newly published: Framework and Manual for evaluating lifelong and lifewide progress of disadvantaged adult learners

Tampada's second publication is finally accessible in all its translated versions (EN, GR, SE, SI, and FR). It is a outreach Framework and guidelines on how to track individuals belonging to socially disadvantaged groups

Learners participating in adult education can belong to disadvantaged groups whose lifewide progress and lifelong progress pathways are hard-to-track. Therefore, the Tampada partnership has developed material for an outreach Framework and guidelines on how to track individuals belonging to socially disadvantaged groups

The materials for data collection and impact-assessment purposes can be very relevant for Adult Education Providers (AEPs) working with disadvantaged adults. This guidance offers to AEPs a methodology for setting up community cooperation to provide long term track of disadvantaged adult learners.

The Tampada Framework is a tool that offers support to AEPs responsible for the support of disadvantaged adult learners. This document defines a structure of interinstitutional cooperation in terms of data collection and tracking of disadvantaged adults.

Discover and download it here (EN)

Translated versions:


20 February 2019
On the 17th of January, LLLP attended the conference of the EDUMAP project which also tackles adult education and had interesting links withTAMPADA, in particular on the use of data to improve adult education provisions.
31 May 2019
TaMPADA partners gathered together on the 16th and 17th of May 2019 for the second transnational project meeting, hosted by PROMEA in Athens, Greece. The meeting was a good opportunity to discuss about the results achieved until now and plan next activities.
29 March 2021

The Tampada digital assessment tool is the first project results. After being tested by partners, the tool is now available for anyone interested online.

31 March 2021
PROMEA, as a strategic partner of the TAMPADA consortium, hosted an online Information day on the 23rd of March 2021 to share the results of the European project and to contribute to its dissemination.